Guide to Services


Your Dashboard displays upcoming appointments and date-based tasks on the left to help you plan your week. The right hand column of your Dashboard highlights items that require your attention and may include alerts related to your class work, recommended referrals to campus support offices to help you succeed, and kudos from your instructors.

Student view of dashboard


Click the Courses icon on your home page to display information about courses you are enrolled in, as well as contacts and available support related to each. Like the My Success Network channel, this module is personalized to show the people and services available related to the courses you are taking. You can also use this module to make an appointment or request help related to a course.

Courses Screenshot


The Plans channel will display any customized plans created for you by your advisor. This might include an academic plan or a more targeted plan for a set of specific tasks with due dates. Click the View Details button associated with a plan to display a printable version of the plan.

Plans Screenshot

Not sure what you need?

My Success Network

Certain counselors and advisors may be listed in your personal My Success Network channel. In this same channel, you are able to search for individuals or services that may not be directly linked to you but that you still need. For each service, you can view contact information, visit service websites, and schedule online appoints (if available).

My Success Network