Academic Advising Council Awards


Award nominations are open from May 20, 2024 - August 2, 2024. The nomination form can be found here. Questions can be emailed to Danielle Dunn,

NACADA Award Categories

Outstanding New Advisor – Academic Advisor Primary Role

The Outstanding New Advisor – Academic Advisor Primary Role is presented to individuals who have demonstrated qualities associated with outstanding academic advising of students and who have served as a professional with advising duties for a period of three or fewer years calculated from the deadline for submission (March 2021).

Academic Advising--Primary Role — Individuals whose primary role at the institution is the direct delivery of advising services to students.  Must directly advise students at least 50% of their time.

Outstanding New Advisor – Faculty Advisor

The Outstanding New Advisor – Faculty Advisor is presented to individuals who have demonstrated qualities associated with outstanding academic advising of students and who have served as a faculty member with advising duties for a period of three or fewer years calculated from the deadline for submission (March 2021).

Faculty Academic Advising — Individuals whose primary responsibility is teaching and who spend a portion of their time providing academic advising services to students. Nominees must teach or do research at least 50% of their time.

Outstanding Advisor – Academic Advisor Primary Role

The Outstanding Advisor – Academic Advisor Primary Role is presented to individuals who have demonstrated qualities associated with outstanding academic advising of students and who have served as a professional with advising duties for a period at least three years as calculated from the deadline for submission (March 2021).

Academic Advising--Primary Role — Individuals whose primary role at the institution is the direct delivery of advising services to students.  Nominees must directly advise students at least 50% of their time.

Outstanding Advisor – Faculty Advisor

The Outstanding Advisor – Faculty Advisor is presented to individuals who have demonstrated qualities associated with outstanding academic advising of students and who have served as a faculty member with advising duties for a period at least three years as calculated from the deadline for submission (March 2021).

Faculty Academic Advising — Individuals whose primary responsibility is teaching and who spend a portion of their time providing academic advising services to students. Nominees must teach or do research at least 50% of their time

Rating Criteria

  • Strong interpersonal skills
  • Availability to advisees, faculty, or staff
  • Frequency of contact with advisees
  • Appropriate referral activity
  • Use and disseminations of appropriate information sources
  • Caring, helpful attitude towards advisees, faculty, and staff
  • Meeting advisees in informal settings
  • Monitoring of student profess toward academic and career goals
  • Mastery of institutional regulations, policies, and procedures
  • Ability to engage in, promote, and support developmental advising
  • Participation in and support of advisor developmental programs
  • Perception by colleagues of nominees advising skills
  • Participation in and support of intrusive advising to build strong relationships with advisees

Required Submission Material

  • A Summary of the Nominee’s Qualifications- In this key piece, the nominator should summarize the extent to which the nominee meets the award criteria, citing letters of support, data, or other materials illustrative of exemplary performance as a new advisor. Nominators should focus qualities and experiences that make the nominee outstanding in their role highlighting what they've done to go above and beyond normal advising duties.
  • Letters of support from advisees, colleagues, and administrators that specifically address the new advisor's outstanding qualities above and beyond normal job duties.  

Optional Submission Material

  • Nominee's current job or position description with percentages of time spent on each duty or a list of job responsibilities with percentages of time spent in each area.  (estimates acceptable)
  • Representative materials developed by the nominee.  Examples include training or presentation materials, articles written or other examples of the advisor going above and beyond normal advising job duties.
  • Other pertinent information from nominator that exemplifies outstanding achievement.

Campus Award Categories

Required Submission Material for Campus Awards:

  • A letter or document outlining evidence of at least one of the evaluation criteria.
  • Additional material (images, websites, documents, etc.) is accepted but not required.

Innovative Advising Award

The Innovative Advising Award is presented to an advisor who has made positive contributions to the field of academic advising. Candidates will be evaluated for evidence of:

  1. Innovative Quality— Represents new approaches to effective academic advising. 
  2. Creativity— Demonstrates creative use of resources (human, fiscal, and physical) in the delivery of academic advising services.
  3. Currency— Addresses current problems and issues in academic advising.
  4. Institutional Commitment— Demonstrating commitment to advising throughout the institution.
  5. Impact— Providing definitive evidence of positive student and/or institutional outcomes.

Leading with Brilliance Award

The Leading with Brilliance Award is presented to an advisor who has demonstrated leadership qualities within their department or across campus. This individual champions initiatives on behalf of advisors, instills confidence in others, and is part of building a bright future for academic advisors on campus. This individual has a commitment to excellence and inspires others to achieve their own levels of excellence. Nominees do not need to hold a formal leadership or supervisory role to be eligible for this award.

Silo-Busting Award

This award is presented to the advisor who has created coordination and collaboration across campus departments. This advisor tears down walls, publicly acknowledges shared campus goals, encourages cross-departmental networking and promotes an environment that embraces curiosity and data sharing.